Experience Modifications
Experience modification information is available for searching and downloading within the Rating and Underwriting Reference. In addition to Experience Rating modifications you will find Merit Rating adjustments, classification descriptions and Underwriting Guide, and loss cost rate data.
Experience Rating Worksheets
Experience rating worksheets display the employer's loss experience and payroll information for a prescribed time period and show all statistical data including the experience rating formula used to calculate the employer's experience modification. A copy of the experience rating worksheet can be ordered through DCRB Special Services at policyinquiries@dcrb.com or (215) 320-4442 at a charge of $15 each. All requests (other than from the carrier of record) must be accompanied by a letter of authority (on an original of the employer's letterhead) authorizing the release of their data.
Abstract of Experience
An abstract of experience displays payroll and loss information for a particular employer by policy year. It also provides individual claim information on a sliding scale. Abstracts are available for both rated and non-rated employers. Abstracts can be ordered through Special Services at policyinquiries@dcrb.com or (215) 320-4442 at a charge of $15 per employer. All requests (other than from the carrier of record) must be accompanied by a letter of authority (on an original of the employer's letterhead) authorizing the release of their data. Abstracts can only be sent via US mail.